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Thoughts On The New Green Lantern Footage

Monday, April 11, 2011

A new four-minute Green Lantern trailer premiered at Wondercon 2011 recently, renewing my unhealthy anticipation for Warner Bros' summer blockbuster. 

As our readers might recall, I greeted the previous trailer with only mild enthusiasm, and I have been begging Warner Bros to at least attempt to market this movie as if they actually cared about its success. 

It looks they're finally getting their act together, because the new trailer is mostly superb. The unlikeable nerdy sidekick from the first trailer doesn't make a single appearance in this new footage, and Ryan Reynolds' computer-generated costume looks much better this time around - or at the very least, less like a cheesy student film. There are some truly wonderful moments: 

Epic shots of the Green Lantern corps rallying together...

A shot of Tomar-Re (voiced by the incredible Geoffrey Rush) showing Hal Jordan how to use the ring...

And Hal Jordan imagining a pretty awesome construct.

A couple concerns: Hector Hammond looks ridiculous. I still think this is a villain who can't be literally adapted to live-action film - he's just too absurd-looking. 

That said, this new trailer delivered what I wanted: hope. I confidently say that this trailer, unlike the last one, actually does the Green Lantern property justice, and I'm psyched to see the movie in June. In fact, I may force myself to sit through Thor just to watch whatever Lantern trailer they attach to it. Watch the new Wondercon trailer below!


M. Butler said...

I want to lay that trailer down by the fire and make it feel like a real woman.

April 11, 2011 at 12:08 PM

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