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Where's Green Lantern's Ads?

Where's Green Lantern's Ads?
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Where is Green Lantern's Ad Campaign?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Regular readers know that I've been following Warner Brothers' Green Lantern film with unhealthy anticipation. However, the total absence of a marketing presence has made it increasingly difficult to stay excited about this movie. The only notable marketing we've seen for this movie has been a couple magazine covers and a lackluster trailer.

We're three months away from release and there's still nothing going on with Green Lantern. To put that into perspective, Marvel's Thor has had two full-length trailers and a Superbowl spot. Thanks to effective ad spots and a well-timed trailer, I've seen more of Captain America than Lantern, even though Captain America isn't due until late July.

By the 3-month mark, even the highly-secretive marketing for The Dark Knight had already given us two trailers, the IMAX bank robbery preview attached to I Am Legend, and a series of viral promo sites - including a slick Harvey Dent campaign poster.

I Am Legend: the pre-show trailers were far superior to the movie that succeeded it.
So where are my Green Lantern promos? Why wasn't there a Superbowl spot? Where is the giant cardboard diorama at my local movie theater? Why wasn't there a trailer attached to Warner's recent Yogi Bear? ...yes, I would've bought a ticket to that movie if they'd attached a new Lantern trailer.

This is Warner's biggest or second biggest blockbuster of the year, depending on how you rank Death Hallows: Part 2. It's importance to Warner Brothers cannot be understated; they're already planning a multi-film Lantern franchise, no doubt to compensate for the end of the Harry Potter and Batman films. So why has there been such a deliberate attempt to not get people excited about this movie? Are they really so confident that they can build an audience by promoting it the week before it came out?

The popular theory is that Warner Bros thinks they have a flop on their hands and doesn't want to burn any more cash by marketing it earlier than it absolutely has to; the poor trailer they put out last year would support this. I honestly don't think studios adopt this mentality. Sure, it's within their character to cut their losses early, but studios know the economics of stupid audience. You can make far more money on a critically-panned blockbuster than with an Oscar-winner - see Transformers 2.
They speak 'street' jive, have gold teeth, and can't read. Yep, it's as racist as it sounds.
Look, I'm not asking for action figures and a Burger King cross-promotion. I just want another trailer - and with it, some actual proof that this movie isn't going to suck. Do it for the children, dammit.

Seriously, this costume is a disaster. Somebody better fix this.


Anonymous said...

Chill - They're working on it! Since there was so much criticism of the rough draft CGI glimpsed in the 1st trailer, they're clearly taking their time to get it right. DC always waits for the right moment to drop a saturation campaign, avoiding the feeling that you get with Marvel campaigns that you've already seen the film weeks before it opens.
I can't wait either - counting the days.

March 9, 2011 at 8:32 AM
Dylan said...

OK, so they're working on and cleaning up the CGI-but how does that effect stuff like in-theater advertising? Carboard standees and posters are just as important as trailers, if not more so.

So I agree Aaron...very odd and a bit foreboding.

March 9, 2011 at 10:37 AM
M. Butler said...

I read this article a while back, and I can't help but feel that it encapsulates a lot of what WB might be afraid of and why they seem to be "back-burnering" promotion of the movie.


March 9, 2011 at 11:54 AM
Anonymous said...

Everyone I think forgets that they are watching the trailer on a some sort of computer which clearly means the resolution is completely different say a TV or Movie screen. I say this because the trailer/ CGI suit will look different and prob. even better when the ACTUAL movie comes out.

March 9, 2011 at 1:12 PM
jan said...

like others, I am looking forward to the Green Lantern movie and yes the trailer wasn't brilliant but I think this was because the movie is still in post production and I think that the next trailer will in fact be stupendous and increase desire to see this movie. I truly hope they dont make a mess of Green Lantern, but whatever the trailers do eventually look like I am still going to see this movie and I hope I am not dissapointed as it was the Hal jordan version of Green lantern that I remember reading as a kid.

March 9, 2011 at 2:34 PM
Anonymous said...

It's surprising that we haven't heard more about Green Lantern.

As a kid I read his comics and I will see the movie but I feel its likely to be the least successful of the current crop of super hero movies.

Thor on the other hand appears to have been marketed just about right by Marvel. The official trailers, well timed image/poster releases and the links to other Marvel icon movies.

Thor will be a blockbuster! Or maybe that's just the fan boy in me talking.

As an Aussie science fiction writer: http://www.goldenvisionsmagazine.biz/AlienHunter.html
I’ve been a Marvel Thor fan since the original Journey into Mystery of August 1962.

If you get a chance check out some of my Marvel (mainly Odin and Thor) fan fiction. Just scroll down below my author profile and you will see over 40 fan fiction stories here:



March 9, 2011 at 4:37 PM
Carson said...

Just watch the new animated movie. OR go see cowboys and aliens.

March 9, 2011 at 6:53 PM
Anonymous said...

I am cautiously optimistic... or scared that the movie will totally miss the mark. I like Ryan Reynolds, a lot... thought he would have made a great Wally West (Flash, or whatever he is now). Now I think Sam Worthington would make a great Barry Allen (Flash, again). But, Ryan Reynolds as Hal... He brings the baggage, good baggage, of being a comic actor/leading man. Van Wilder? GENIUS

Reynolds in the Green Lantern suit? Cautiously optimistic...

March 12, 2011 at 9:09 PM

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