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In Defense of the New Nook

Friday, October 29, 2010

By Aaron Ting

Barnes & Noble announced a new Nook reading device this week, featuring a full-color 7" LCD display and a slick touch-optimized interface built on top of Google's Android OS. Tech journalists and bloggers from all corners of the interwebs pounced on it immediately, all-but-declaring the device dead on arrival.

Sorry, but most of them are forming irrational, idiotic arguments. Their reasoning goes like this:

1) Ditching the first Nook's E-Ink display was a mistake because true reading enthusiasts prefer E-Ink displays. Amazon's Kindle is proof of this.
2) Adopting a color LCD display was a mistake because it places the Nook in competition with Apple's iPad and all the other touchscreen tablet computers on the market.

The problem with a lot of these journalists is that they're so immersed in the fringe of bleeding-edge technology news that they most often evaluate the merit of products based on technical offerings like their RAM or pixel density. It's utterly amazing to me how often they fail to consider consumer mentality and the product's actual position relative to its competitors. 

It's the reason most tech bloggers in 2003 failed to predict just how decisively the Nintendo DS would defeat the Sony PSP. On paper, the PSP should have been a clear winner. The PSP was a much more powerful device with a larger high-res display, sophisticated multimedia functionality, and a more trustworthy brand on the box. The popular opinion was that Nintendo had lost its mind; it was crazy to be putting out such a simple, underpowered handheld to compete against a multimedia powerhouse like the PSP. Fast forward, and the DS has outsold the PSP by nearly 3-to-1. How is that possible? Because unlike these incompetent enthusiasts (myself included), Nintendo wasn't counting RAM or clocking processor speed - they were paying attention to what consumers would actually buy

This is the problem with how many journalists are approaching the new Nook. They're forming irrational conclusions that completely disregard actual consumer demand.

E-Ink is a great technology, and the Kindle is an awesome device. But there is a general consensus forming among all the major technology players that black-and-white E-Ink reading devices are not interesting to consumers. Apple and HP have mentioned in the past that they looked at E-Ink and determined that consumers would want a more versatile, full-color device. This year, several companies have announced that they're already pulling out of the E-Ink reader market because they haven't been able to generate a viable business. Yes, Amazon is doing great in the dedicated e-reader market. No one's denying that. So what is B&N doing? They're withdrawing from a dying E-Ink market in which there is already a dominant competitor. That's stupid? No...that's actually good business sense.

They also weren't stupid to give the Nook a full-color LCD. So what if it's basically a tablet computer in a different form factor? We're getting to the point where every slate-shaped object is a tablet PC in a different form factor - regardless of whether it's a Kindle or an iPad. The question should be whether people want it, and whether it has better competitors.

This new Nook doesn't really have a good competitor right now. What is the new Nook doing? It's a $250 reading-optimized, full-color tablet with a web browser, apps, and a large digital book store. It's half the size and half the price of an iPad. It's like comparing a Moleskine-size notebook to large spiral notebook - both of these form factors are going to co-exist because they exist for different purposes and don't compete with each other.

And where are all these other competitors? It's not competing with the black-and-white E-Ink Kindle - Kindle fanboys are constantly happy to point this out. Its closest rival is the upcoming $400 Samsung Galaxy Tab, a 7" Android tablet that [so far] will only be sold with a two-year data contract from a cell phone carrier. Even if you want to call them rivals, I'm betting on whatever product doesn't force you to sign another contract with AT&T. 

Bottom line, the Nook is aimed at people who are looking at all these touchscreen devices and want to be able read books, listen to music, and occasionally browse the web - but don't want to cough up $500 or would rather carry something the size of a Moleskine than a spiral notebook. It's naive to think those people don't exist. I know it because after using an iPad for five months, I'm one of them. 

Sure, the NOOKcolor might still fail. But if it does, it won't fail because it isn't powerful enough or doesn't offer enough features to compete against its rivals - there are no other rivals yet. And unlike a certain writer at CrunchGear, I'll play with one for a while before I decide whether it has a place in the market.


Anonymous said...

The Nook Color will not run apps straight out of the Android Market, but that does not mean it cannot run them. In fact, they have done a lot of tests on apps from standard Android smartphones and they pretty much run on Nook Color, which has Android 2.1 under the hood. (The Nook native interface and apps are just standard Android application layers.) Barnes & Noble special Nook SDK runs on top of the standard Android one and gives developers access to exclusive extensions and APIs for the Nook and its interface. So porting Android apps is not difficult. B&N says it is more like optimising them for Nook than porting them.
Nook Color screen is supposed to be better (less reflective) for reading than iPad.
It allows to play video, listen to the music, view Office documents and PDF's.

October 29, 2010 at 8:35 AM
Anonymous said...

Your argument can be twisted around too. So B & N has got away from the 'dying e-ink market' where there is already a dominant competitor (Amazon) and it is betting its horses on a tablet where there is an even bigger elephant (Apple) and possibly several more very shortly. Is this a good strategy? Maybe not! In fact, you could argue this is a worse market since it is proven that apple has a big fan base and thus a cheaper device that does less than one-fourth the tasks is doomed.

The fact is the NookColor is neither a perfect e-reader nor a full fledged tablet. How many more 'bisection search' products do we have? A tablet is touted as between a laptop and a phone (when until a few years ago the same Jobs who praised the ipad as a perfect middle device said there there was no use for a tablet). Now we have something between an e-reader and the tablet?

These companies are banking on customers who do not even know when they are had (Hope you are not one of them)!

And the annoying aspect is calling this an e-reader. In my opinion, a device without e-ink should not be considered as an e-reader. It is just a marketing gimmick. B&N might have sucess but it will not be because of the nook's features but because of fanboys who do not seem to know when they are taken!

October 29, 2010 at 10:14 AM
Anonymous said...

but the fact remains they did not ditch the eink nook. This is a producti line addition.

Like Samsung making both a plasma tv and an LCD tv.

October 29, 2010 at 10:38 AM
Aaron Ting said...

Again, the problem is assuming that the Nook is duking it out with the iPad. The whole point is that both 7" and 10" are viable tablet form factors that are going to co-exist in this market. The reasons one would get a 10" tablet are probably not the same reasons one would get a 7" tablet - because they fulfill different needs. Paper notebooks come in multiple sizes because people have uses for them in different form factors.

The difference between 7" and 10" doesn't sound like much, but those are diagonal measurements - a 7" tablet is literally half the size of an iPad. Unless Apple makes a play for that 7" factor, they're not competing for the same customers.

And until manufacturers come out with superior Android tablets, the Nook will remain one of the better choices at that form actor.

But yes, it'll probably still fail.

October 29, 2010 at 10:43 AM
Anonymous said...

Well Aaron, size should alone cannot define a product line or justify a new line.

In fact, my initial grouse with the kindle/original nook vs ipad comparisons were that these were two different devices. One is excellent for reading and the other is an all round tablet with some reading capabilities. At least each device excelled in at least one category which cannot be said about the new nook.

Trying to market the new nook as an e-reader (without the e-ink) and as having other utilities (without it being a complete tablet) may backfire. That said, I do have to agree that you can view this as a new product line but just because it is neither an e-reader nor a tablet does not make it a novel device.

October 29, 2010 at 11:35 AM
Anonymous said...

I am 100% in agreement with this article. I love gadgets and always have the next toy in mind. However the ipad never interested me. I have my iphone to do small work-related stuffs and usually end up doing a majority of work on my desktop. I have almost no use of a laptop because it is too weak (a price of a desktop is half that of a laptop yet twice as powerful). But I do own a netbook for play. To have an ipad is pointless for me because prefer typing! ANd ridiculous expensive. To own a Kindle is too ugly and basic. To own a Nook color that will allow me to read AND have other uses, THAT makes more sense.

October 29, 2010 at 11:39 AM
jshjsjhdhdh said...

mis orejas

mis patas

October 29, 2010 at 12:09 PM
Anonymous said...

Product, Price and Placement: The New Nook is competitive offering since it seems to be positioned well in terms of pricing and placement in B&N stores. I like the example of Nintendo DS and don't forget the success of Wii. A simpler device that can do enough things for the general user, priced right will probably sell more than a full featured device high priced device. In terms of form, Nook is sleek and well designed. I am a price conscious customer and I think I would buy the Nook. My only complaint: I don't like external SD card expansion, would have been great if the Nook has additional storage built in.

October 29, 2010 at 7:52 PM
Anonymous said...

Well, a pic of the K3 would have been nice ... K1 is several years old now ;p

October 29, 2010 at 10:49 PM
Aaron Ting said...

Haha sorry about the Kindle 1 picture. I really like the current Kindle's design, but that first Kindle was just the most visually distinctive one in my opinion.

October 30, 2010 at 4:15 AM
Anonymous said...

I want this device because:

a> It does NOT use the slow eInk technology
b> I will be able to use FOLDERS for organizing over 800 documents
c> This device supports a microSD card. Kindle does not. I really do not know what they are thinking here. I simply will not buy a non-expandable device when there are so many options out there. I really do not care if it is a better 'reading experience'. I need this device to let me access many documents.

This device appears to be a highly optimized media usage device. I have looked at the majority of the e-readers out there and they all seem to be lacking in certain critical functions. It appears that this device simply NAILS it!

October 30, 2010 at 1:42 PM
Anonymous said...

I think they're missing their market with this. True it will have good placement in stores. I suspect it will sell respectably at first but the return rate will very high. The store placement and marketing strategies are going to backfire in a big way I think:
a) this is an "e-reader" with additional features
b) it is being sold in book stores.

People will buy it primarily as a book reader but when they discover the issues of not being able to read in high light situations and the eye strain from staring at an lcd they will ultimately be unhappy. Now, I think they could have hit a big market if they had done things differently:

Make it around 9 inch screen but keep the price sub $300. They could then market it against the Kindle DX. Using the faster updating lcd screen as well as a full touch screen would have allowed them to add some functionality to make a successful textbook reader.

Alas, it is a device designed to replace regular books as its major function but will cause eye strain when used for its primary purpose.

November 7, 2010 at 8:28 PM
Anonymous said...

I just ordered the Nook Color on line. I like the fact that it is small enough to throw in my bag and go. I have a lap top and a desk top and they serve their purpose. I purchased the Nook color for several reasons. It is more affordable and smaller than the Ipad for what I would use it for. I like the idea of color for reading magazines and certain books, like cookbooks and crafting books where color is important. It has Nook apps for my pc and iphone, so that covers that. It is good for storing files and I like the idea of the SD card. I'd rather purchase an SD card for additional storage than pay a higher price for extra storage built in. Finally..no 2yr contract or charge for using the 3G network and being charged per gigabyte for use. And..I was also one of those who purchased the Wii and the DS over the PSP. :)

November 10, 2010 at 10:04 AM

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