I love you Nintendo, but...

I love you Nintendo, but...
Keri's thoughts on the 3DS.

New 'Super 8' Trailer

New 'Super 8' Trailer
Dylan loves some Abrams.

Two Kobe Bryants

Two Kobe Bryants
Tom lays some truth.

Where's Green Lantern's Ads?

Where's Green Lantern's Ads?
Aaron's greatest fear!

We're Back!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Good morning, Internet.

Yes, it's true. WordsFinest has returned after a well-deserved vacation, and we're ready to deliver a healthy regimen of editorial commentary on the topics we - and less importantly, you - care about.

We'll be covering the return of some of our favorite shows, and discussing some of the new programs this season. Look forward to more overdue game reviews from Butler, more early film reviews from Dylan, and more superhero-related whining from me. We'll also be bringing more freelance content down the pipeline, which brings me to my next point....


You've been reading this site for a while, Internet. And frankly, we're sick of you consuming our delicious words for free. It's time to pay it forward - we want you to write for us. Not all of you. Not even the mediocre of you. We want the finest words you can give us, and we want to put them on our site. If you're interested in joining our writing team or freelancing for us, contact us at wordsfinest(at)gmail.com.

This is just a soft relaunch - we've got some awesome stuff in store. Stick with us, and stay classy.

It's good to be back.



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2010 ·WordsFinest ...Greetings from Boulder