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DC and Marvel Are Killing Digital Comics

Thursday, June 24, 2010

By Aaron Ting

The iPad was seen as a potential savior for the publishing industry. I was personally excited about the possibilities for digital comic books. Sixty years ago, comic books were a mainstream addiction; today, they're an expensive novelty.

Now, I love comics. But I hate having to get comics. I hate driving across town to step into a creepy, poorly-lit store that smells like moldy cardboard. I hate having to step around mute forty-year olds in trench coats who still live with their parents. But most of all?

I hate paying four bucks for a single comic book.

As much as I love the feel of paper, digital comics were a very simple way to solve all of those problems. It could also give my comics a measure of digital 'durability' that my delicate paper books can't match.

When I begrudgingly picked up an iPad, the first app I downloaded was the Marvel Comics app. DC Comics launched their app yesterday, and I was able to play with it during lunch. There are some great things going on in these apps, but there are some massive fundamental problems that, if ignored, will kill digital comics before they ever have a chance to blossom.

This is hands-down the biggest problem. For both Marvel and DC apps, the price of a book is $1.99. Initially, that doesn't seem so bad - it's half the price of your average printed comic. But then you flip through the books that are being offered - they're all old. For Marvel, some are so old that they were originally sold at 12 cents. And they want us to pay two bucks each.

This really can't happen. In a digital economy where there are some truly addictive and meaty game experiences priced at a buck (or free), it's crazy to be selling an old, short, twenty-two page comic book at a $2 price point. Even with a piece of music, I can feel somewhat more comfortable spending a dollar on a song because there's a sense of lasting value when you buy something you know you'll probably listen to more than once in a lifetime. A single comic book, on the other hand, cannot be enjoyed that frequently - unless you suffer from a crippling short-term memory disorder.

Bottom line, these prices need to change. Books that are so old that the artists are eligible for social security? Those should be no more than buck - or even more aggressively priced in large collected anthologies. Honestly, DC isn't making money on its vast library of comics from the 40s and 50s. Sell them digitally in big, bargain-priced volumes so that tomorrow's comic fan can feel like he's filling out his collection with 'classic' comic literature.

Both companies have done a great job of giving away the first issue of certain arcs for free. This idea should be expanded further. For example, Ultimate Spider-Man, Vol. 1 - that should be free. I know, that sounds crazy. But it's the perfect jump-on point for anyone who doesn't know comics but saw a Spider-Man movie. And giving away that delicious first volume will likely help the sales of the other two-dozen subsequent volumes of Ultimate Spider-Man. Ultimate Spider-Man IS that good, and giving away one graphic novel to sell twenty more might actually make a lot of sense for Marvel. 

Remember, this can't be about selling a digital comic here and there. iTunes and the App Store have shown us that consumers are willing to pay for digital content; the lesson is to price aggressively and go for volume.

Unify The Stores
I get that we have a lot of different comic book publishers. But that's why the consumer should have a centralized digital marketplace for comics. There shouldn't be a dedicated Marvel app and a separate DC app (especially since they're both being made by comiXology and look exactly the same). 

There should be one unified store, like iTunes or iBooks. Having separate digital stores makes sense if you're just trying to reach your individual loyal fans - they'll download anything you ask them to. But digital comics needs to be about reaching out to people who don't currently read print comics, and those people aren't going to intuitively know that they should download an app put out by this "DC" company - even if that company owns Batman and Superman.

Turn the page, wash your hands...
Page turning. Some people might think this is a pretty shallow issue, but I think it's actually a critical flaw. Simply put, these digital comic books need to borrow that 3D page-turning interactivity from the iBooks app. Like I said, I like the feel of paper books, and even though iBooks just gives you the graphically-rendered illusion of being able to turn the page, it's so remarkably sexy and effective that it makes the whole concept of digital books seem nonthreatening and familiar. These comic book apps need that fake page-turning aesthetic. Despite their ability to show you the comics panel-by-panel, the apps need to focus on presenting the whole page, because that's how comics are meant to be experienced. The storytelling is written and drawn presuming that you have a whole page of panels in front of you. 

Do It Right
These problems can all be fixed - and they can be fixed pretty quickly. Marvel, throw a 50% off sale and see if your books sell any better than they have the last couple months. DC, when I slide my finger on the corner of the display to turn the page, I want the digital page to curl up against my fingertip like a real paper page would. This could be the industry's only shot of escaping that dungeon-like comic book store. Make it count.


Mark Cook said...

DC's store IS unified with Comixology; you don't need their app to get the same content, and if you buy in one you can get it in the other as well.

This is not true for Marvel, unless I'm doing something really very wrong - but I don't think so, given that the Marvel app seems to get things before the Comixology app (and occasionally vice-versa).

June 24, 2010 at 10:02 AM
Mark Kardwell said...

Imagine that. The Big Two barely care about the art form, or the industry. They only care about milking their existing, ever-shrinking, ever-aging, audience.

June 24, 2010 at 10:17 AM
Anonymous said...

I feel exactly the same. When iBooks was first annonced there was an option for 'Graphic Novels' and once the Marvel app was announced it went away. ComiXology is unified but since they designed both Marvel and DC's apps they feel exactly the same. Price points and all. I honestly can't fathom spending a $1.99 for the digital versiona when in all honesty I'd just as soon pay the additional dollar at the comic store (at least there I get 20% off and a book that I can sell if I wanted to).

June 24, 2010 at 11:44 AM
Anonymous said...

I agree the comic industry needs to settle on a standardized format and price point for electronic comic books, much like the music industry has done with .mp3s, and allow me the choose the reader application. The goal is to make buying an electronic comic legally more convenient than illegally downloading it.

Also if I’ve purchased the physical version of a comic I should get the electronic version for free. Hopefully, down-the-road, comics will come with a code allowing us to download the electronic version for free. This would be great for collectors who want to keep their physical comics in pristine condition while still allow them to re-read the electronic version. Again, using the music industry as an example, I shouldn’t have to purchase the mp3s if I purchased the physical CD.

Here are some good related articles:
MacWorld: ‘The iPad as a comic-book reader’: “…the iPad comics market is fractured. If you buy a comic in one app, you can’t transfer it to a different app, or to your desktop. Some comics are available exclusively in one app”
Here’s the link:

CBR: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=26199

June 24, 2010 at 11:58 AM
collectededitions said...

To each their own on the page-turning issue. I consider it an unnecessary "flair" -- sure, a three-dimensional page that turns *reminds* me of a printed book, but ultimately this is *not* a printed book, it's digital, and so a turning page is unnecessary. I'm not even sold on having to drag my finger across the screen; iBooks shouldn't need (and possibly doesn't need) more than one tap on the left or right side for the page to change.

I understand completely the comfort issue and aesthetic appeal of the digital page turning; just my take on it.

June 24, 2010 at 12:39 PM
Anonymous said...

I agree, I think we'll get to the point one day where we won't need our book-reading software to have aesthetic tweaks that remind us of print. I totally see your point there, but at the same time, I would hate for digital comics to forget their 'roots' - trying to imitate pulp paper should be part of the intended style if we republish the really old comics.

June 24, 2010 at 4:45 PM
Mike Cane said...

Yes, all of that. But PageCurl? Only as an option, so that those of us who hate it can turn it off.

June 25, 2010 at 10:06 AM
Kevin said...

Here's the thing that nobody has yet mentioned when buying digital verus hard-copies of comics: Online Comic Shops. If you really want to save money you can buy them online and I'm not talking eBay.

I wont name company names as to not take sides; but I order 20+ titles every month from my "online LCS" and get roughly a 40% discount on most titles. A $3 comic is now $1.79. Now dont go off all half-cocked at me, I still make my Wednesday trek to my LCS to pick up a few titles to support the store and to "talk shop", and I even pick up a few titles I may be interested in that I've never read before (like I did with Chew and Scalped.) But as every blog, comic site, news article has continuously pointed out a $2 dollar digital book is over priced and a hard copy $4 book is simply brutal.

What Aaron states above about issue pricing is the MAIN issue of digital distribution, bar none. Digital comics need to have a reasonable; albiet much lower price point (.75 cents sounds good) at the same time aiming for "non-comic" readers and "volume" sales instead of aiming for higher prices and lower sales.

The Age of Digital comics has arrived; and like the Big Bang: those tiny amoeba's sure as hell didn't evolve over night and digital comic distribution won't evolve either (as long as it isnt' killed off right from the start.)

Oh, and I haven't (yet) and don't plan on ever (maybe) buying a digital book.

June 25, 2010 at 1:55 PM
Aaron Ting said...

Great comments!

I would disagree on the 'unity' of the comiXology app. As I recall, Marvel is intentionally leaving some of its digital content out of the comiXology app. That probably gives me an incentive to get the Marvel app. That doesn't sound very unified.

You're all right though, the 3D PageCurl will be a matter of personal preference for some people. But at least initially, I think it's something new readers will prefer.

Thanks for reading, and please keep visiting our site!

June 25, 2010 at 3:35 PM
Anonymous said...

I prefer paper comic books...not comic files. There's no digital comic that can deliver the experience of something like "Wednesday Comics". Everyone I talk to hates having to scroll to read a comic.

What's wrong with using your fingers to turn a page? It's not that hard!

June 26, 2010 at 9:31 AM

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